Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A spoonerism and a nail in Paul's foot

Paul said a couple of funny spoonerisms today, but the only one I can remember is "it's not that the sin was fruitful, but..." (he meant: it's not that the fruit was sinful...). 

 A conversation between me and Ton the other day went like this (in Thai, which is why it turned out so funny):
Ton: Where did you go eat with Kim?
Me: the Viking
Ton: Nice. Has Kim left yet?
Me: I ate pizza for dinner.
Ton: ???
Me: Wait, what did you ask me?

  This is what happens when you try to learn a foreign language.

 On a not-so- funny note, Paul stepped on a rusty nail at the beach yesterday while playing volleyball. It apparently went into his foot pretty far, but he continued to serve the ball after that! Then Megan drove him home on the motorbike, and he went to the clinic to have it cleaned and get a shot. He has a really good attitude though, and I'm amazed that he's still doing all his usual things while hobbling around a bit. 

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